1. In Assault, we have two teams with different roles. Attackers and defenders. Every flag starts in the COLD state.
  2. The attackers try to activate the next flag by pushing its button and changing the state to HOT. To capture that point, the flag must stay HOT until the flag-timer runs out.
  3. If the button is pushed again before the flag-timer ran out, the flag returns back to the COLD state.
  4. There is a time limit to capture all flags. When the game time is nearly over, and the attacking team turns a flag to the HOT state, that last attack can be finished, even if the flag-timer exceeds the remaining game-time. In that case we go into OVERTIME.
  5. When a flag is deactivated in OVERTIME, it is GAME OVER immediately.

Very old online game similar to BF Rush.